Working out your legs is not everyone’s favorite part of their workouts. Sadly, most people spend more time on their upper body and biceps, pecs, etc. However, your legs and lower body are the load-bearing part of your body, and it should be your primary focus to keep your legs […]
Helpful Tips
Punching Bag Workouts & Routines
So, you have a punching bag and are ready to actually use it to its full potential. This is great news because punching bag workouts and routines can provide hours of fun and so many benefits to your body. It is simple to understand the basics of using a punching […]
Best Swim Exercises and Workouts
Swimming is one of the most beneficial of all sports for your body. Being in the water makes swimming a low impact and low-stress activity. Because your body weighs much less in the water, and you are not carrying your weight, there is very little stress on your joints and […]
How Much Exercise do You Need to be Healthy?
Your sister plays tennis on the weekends, and your son goes to the gym at least 3 times a week. Your wife goes for a walk every morning, and your daughter is in dance. Sure, you putter around in the yard and the garage. You go golfing from time to […]
How to Gain Muscle Mass Without Protein Supplements
There’s a lot of hype around protein supplements especially if you’re looking to build and gain muscle. While extra protein is needed in your diet if you’re looking to get muscular, it’s easy to get the necessary protein from the way you eat. Keep in mind though, nutrition is only […]
Slam Ball Exercises to Burn More Calories
You might notice gyms are being equipped with more accessories and equipment to help make your workout sessions even better. There are machines and accessories to work your entire body from any angle. Slam balls are typically on a shelf at the gym, but unfortunately, they go unnoticed a lot. […]
Vertical Climber Exercises
People everywhere are becoming more and more concerned about their weight these days. You might be wondering, “What cardio machine will burn the most fat?” The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer. However, research suggests there might be a winning fat-burning machine out there, and surprise! It’s […]
Intermittent Fasting – Myths & Benefits Revealed
The Most Important Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Intermittent fasting is a fancy way of saying eating meals less often. It is something that has gained popularity in recent years due to the many health benefits it provides. This dietary habit is not about what food you eat (but that does […]
Yoga Exercises That are Actually Killer Workouts
It is a common misconception that yoga is simply good for calming down or stretching. Although this statement is half true, it is not the whole story. Yes, practicing yoga will help you relax your mind and calm your body, but certain techniques and exercises will provide a solid workout […]
Leg Workouts – Tips & Advice
In the world of working out and exercise in general, many of us like to focus on the upper body. The biceps and shoulders, and chest get the most visibility and tend to be more gratifying to build up. Although there is nothing wrong with working out the upper body […]
Balance Board Exercises That Give You a Great Workout
Balance boards are not such a new exercise tool anymore, they have become more and more popular over the last few years. As more and more people get them, more fun and beneficial exercises start to be invented. Balance boards are unique in the way that they are designed to […]
Common Gym Mistakes You are Probably Making Without Knowing It
Having the perfect gym routine is something many of us dream of, but this never seems to happen. There is always room for improvement, no matter how strict your routine is, or how hard you try to have the best possible regimen. Here are some of the most common gym […]
Dumbbells VS Kettlebells – Which is Right For You?
Workout rooms in basements and full-on professional gyms are full of gadgets and weights and many tools which are used to reach our fitness goals. If you visit any well-known gym today you will see kettlebells, dumbbells, battle ropes, exercise balls, resistance bands, and much more. Dumbbells VS kettlebells are […]
Kettlebell Drills & Workouts You Are Not Doing But Should Be
Kettlebells are well known for their strength training benefits. They are easy to store, small enough to easily hold in your hands in almost any position, and not too heavy to use for almost any exercise. These kettle-shaped weights are extremely popular with pro athletes and newbies too! Of course, they […]
Kettlebell Swing Benefits Technique & Variations Guide
If you have spent any amount of time in the fitness world, you know about kettlebells. Ah yes, those strangely shaped free weights with big handles you see giant Russian dudes using in movies. Yes, those kettlebells! The kettlebell has become a commonplace tool in the athlete’s arsenal, and there […]